
POST register

This endpoint is used to register a new user.
Body raw (json)

The request body should contain the following information:

  "name": "Adel Ayman",
  "email": "",
  "password": "123456"
  • "name": The name of the user being registered.
  • "email": The email address of the user.
  • "password": The password chosen by the user.

The response will have the following structure:

    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "userID": "63d8537bf7f5302cce37e4a7",
        "userToken": "TOKEN",
        "userName": "Adel Ayman",
        "email": "",
        "isVerified": false,
        "fcmToken": "Guest"
    "message": "Registration done successfully"
  • "status": Indicates whether the registration was successful (true) or not (false).
  • "data": Contains the details of the registered user.
    • "userID": The unique identifier assigned to the user.
    • "userToken": The authentication token associated with the user.
    • "userName": The name of the registered user.
    • "email": The email address of the registered user.
    • "isVerified": Indicates whether the user's email is verified (true) or not (false).
    • "fcmToken": The FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) token associated with the user.
  • "message": A descriptive message indicating the outcome of the registration process. The response provides the necessary details about the registered user, including the assigned userToken which can be used for subsequent authentication and authorization purposes.