Edit Fcm Token

PATCH Edit FCM Token

This endpoint allows users to update their Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) token. The FCM token is used to send call invitations to the user.

Important Note:you must active your account first. you can active account by verify it
Request Headers

The request should include the following header:

Authorization : Bearer TOKEN

The TOKEN should be replaced with the actual user token obtained during the login process.

Body raw (json)

The request body should contain the following information:


Replace "YOUR_NEW_FCM_TOKEN" with the updated FCM token that you want to set.


Upon successful update of the FCM token, the API will respond with the following structure:

    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "userID": "63d5b2c8db392954ecae9737",
        "userToken": null,
        "userName": "Adel Ayman",
        "email": "",
        "isVerified": false,
        "fcmToken": "YOUR_FCM_TOKEN"
    "message": "user details updated successfully"

By updating your FCM token, you ensure that you receive call invitations correctly. Make sure to update the token whenever necessary to maintain seamless communication.