
POST Login

This endpoint allows users to log in by providing their email and password.
Body raw (json)

The request body should contain the following information:

  "email": "",
  "password": "123456"
  • "email": The email address associated with the user's account.
  • "password": The password provided by the user for authentication.
    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "userID": "63d5b2c8db392954ecae9737",
        "userToken": "TOKEN",
        "userName": "Adel Ayman",
        "email": "",
        "isVerified": true,
        "fcmToken": "YOUR_FCM_TOKEN"
    "message": "Login done successfully"

Upon successful login, the API will respond with a status of true and provide user-related data, including the

  • "userID": The unique identifier associated with the user.
  • "userToken": A token generated by the server that represents the authentication and authorization of the user. This token is typically used to authenticate subsequent requests from the client to access protected resources.
  • "userName": The name of the logged-in user.
  • "email": The email address associated with the user's account.
  • "isVerified": Indicates whether the user's account is verified (true) or not (false).
  • "fcmToken": The FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) token associated with the user.

userToken: is a token generated by the server that represents the authentication and authorization of the user. This token is typically used to authenticate subsequent requests from the client to access protected resources