

The FaceTime API, built with Ktor, enables the creation of calling rooms. This repository serves as an educational resource, allowing you to explore API design and best practices. It incorporates various technologies such as Coroutines, JWT, Clean Architecture, Koin, MongoDB, Jackson, and more. All of these components are implemented using Kotlin language with the Ktor framework.

What We Used?

At the core of the FaceTime API is the Ktor framework, a flexible and lightweight framework for building asynchronous server-side applications. Leveraging Ktor's features and capabilities, the FaceTime API provides a scalable and efficient solution for handling communication and managing calling rooms.

One of the key technologies incorporated in the FaceTime API is Coroutines. By utilizing Coroutines, the API achieves asynchronous, non-blocking behavior, enhancing its performance and responsiveness. Coroutines simplify the handling of concurrent operations, making it easier to write efficient and readable code.

To ensure secure and authenticated communication, the FaceTime API integrates JWT (JSON Web Tokens). JWT allows for the secure transmission of data and helps establish trust between the API and clients. By incorporating JWT, the API can implement robust authentication and authorization mechanisms.

The FaceTime API follows the principles of Clean Architecture, a software design pattern that emphasizes separation of concerns and maintainability. By adhering to Clean Architecture, the API promotes loose coupling between its components, making it easier to test, modify, and extend functionality.

Dependency injection is facilitated by Koin, a lightweight dependency injection framework. Koin simplifies the management of dependencies and enables modular development, promoting code reusability and maintainability.

For data storage, the FaceTime API integrates MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database. MongoDB offers flexibility and scalability, allowing for efficient storage and retrieval of data. By leveraging MongoDB, the API can handle the persistence and management of calling rooms and related information.

To serialize and deserialize data, the FaceTime API utilizes Jackson, a powerful JSON library for Java and Kotlin. Jackson simplifies the conversion between JSON and Kotlin objects, making it effortless to process and transmit data.

By combining these technologies, the FaceTime API offers a comprehensive and robust solution for creating calling rooms. The use of Kotlin as the programming language further enhances the development experience, providing concise syntax, null safety, and other modern language features.